Software Tools
This page contains tools, sample code, libraries and utilities for working with CloudSat data files contributed by the Data Processing Center and CloudSat data users. All items are provided "as is" with no guarantees or warranties of utility or error-free operation. Most of the code examples are provided as a starting point to help you develop your own applications.
CALIOP, CloudSat, MODIS HDF Readers
Author: Suginori Iwasaki | Platform: Linux/UNIX
C programs to read CALIOP level 2, CloudSat 2B, and CloudSat-MODIS data.
For more information, please visit Suginori Iwasaki's information page.
HDF 4.1r2 Library (binary)
Source: The HDF Group | Platform: Windows
This library is the pre-compiled binary version of the HDF 4.1r2 library.
For more information on this and other HDF products please visit The HDF Group website.
HDF-EOS 2.5 Library (binary)
Source: The HDF Group | Platform: Windows
This library is the pre-compiled binary version of the HDF-EOS 2.5 library.
For more information on HDF-EOS, please visit their website.
CloudSat Reader Example
Source: CloudSat DPC | Platform: Windows/Linux/UNIX
Reads the Radar_Reflectivity field from a 2B-GEOPROF file, scales it and prints the values in the first profile to the screen. Uses the HDF-EOS library above on Windows, for *NIX you'll need the appropriate libraries for your platform.
2B-CLDCLASS png Quicklook Segments
Source: CloudSat DPC | Platform: Windows/Linux/UNIX
Reads a 2B-CLDCLASS file and produces .png images of the cloud_scenario field that match the segments on the DPC quicklooks found at the CloudSat DPC website. There is also an example of how to work with bit fields in IDL on that link.
Author: Brian Kahn (JPL) | Platform: Windows/Linux/UNIX
This program reads 2B-GEOPROF data and plots vertical cross-sections of the cloud mask and reflectivity.
2B-GEOPROF png Quicklook Segments
Source: CloudSat DPC | Platform: Windows/Linux/UNIX
Reads a 2B-GEORPROF file and produces .png images of the Radar_Reflectivitiy field that match the segments on the DPC quicklooks found at the CloudSat DPC website. Contains hooks to read and create images of the CPR_Cloud_mask field as well.
Colocate AIRS & CloudSat (Step 1)
Author: Brian Kahn (JPL) | Platform: Windows/Linux/UNIX
This program reads AIRS and Cloudsat data, and then colocates the desired fields. The output is a .dat file that is used by the Match AIRS & CloudSat program below to plot the data.
Match AIRS & CloudSat (Step 2)
Author: Brian Kahn (JPL) | Platform: Windows/Linux/UNIX
This program reads in the colocated AIRS and Cloudsat fields generated by the Colocate AIRS & CloudSat program above, and plots maps and vertical x-sections. This code can be adapted to other coincident platforms, such as MODIS, etc.
Other Utilities
HDF Explorer
Source: Space Research Software | Platform: Windows
HDF Explorer is a free program that allows browsing of HDF and HDF-EOS files to inspect field and attribute names, sizes, types sizes and contents. The paid version includes visualization capabilities.
HDF-EOS Binary Dumper
Source: HDF-EOS Tools and Information Center | Platform: Dec/SGI UNIX
The binary dumper utility dumps HDF-EOS objects in binary format. This is useful for feeding the output of it into existing program, which does not understand HDF, for example: custom software and COTS products.
Source: NCSA | Platform: Windows/Linux/UNIX
NCSA's HDFView is a free Java application that allows browsing of HDF and HDF-EOS files to inspect field and attribute names, sizes, types sizes and contents. It has a few more features than the free version of HDF Explorer (below).
More HDF and HDF-EOS Applications
Source: The HDF Group | Platform: Windows
A comprehensive list of tools for reading, converting, and visualizing HDF and HDF-EOS files can be found at The HDF Group website.
Plotting Utilities
Author: Peter Kuma | Platform: Windows/Linux/UNIX
ccplot is an open source command-line tool to produce two-dimensional plots of profile and earth view data sets, including CloudSat 2B-GEOPROF and several CALIPSO and MODIS data products. It is written in python and depends on the PyNIO, matplotlib, basemap, and numpy libraries.